The BRIQ Working Paper Series

The BRIQ Working Paper Series




The Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) Working Paper Series are co-edited and co-published by İstinye University’s Center for Belt and Road Studies (CBRS) and BRIQ. These working papers serve to disseminate research-in-progress about international cooperation, conflict, and development. Papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process involving one CBRS or BRIQ member and one external reviewer. Upon the authors’ request, online access to accepted papers will be removed when these papers are later published in academic journals.   


Submission Guidelines: 


Submissions are invited in English. All submissions are to include a short biography (150-word limit) and should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to 

The BRIQ Working Paper Series follows American Psychology Association style (6th edition, and uses American English spelling.

Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 12,000 words in length, including abstracts, notes, references, and all other content. Please supply a cover page that includes complete author information, and a fully anonymized manuscript that also contains an abstract (200-word limit) and 5 keywords.


Lead Editor: 

Dr. Efe Can Gürcan


Editorial Board: 

Dr. Efe Can Gürcan 

Dr. Suat Eren Özyiğit 

Dr. Fatih Kiraz 

Dr. Esra Bayhantopçu  

Dr. Tayfun Utaş 


No. 1

China’s Maritime Cooperation with Pakistan and Iran: Implications for the Region (PDF)

Ayesha Khan

Citation: Khan, A. (2021). China’s Maritime Cooperation with Pakistan and Iran: Implications for the Region (The BRIQ Working Paper Series, No. 1). Istanbul: The Center for Belt and Road Studies, Istinye University.

No. 2

Küresel Kapitalizmde Küresel Salgınlar, İklimsel Isınma ve Atmosfer (PDF)

Birol Kılkış

Citation: Kılkış, B. (2021). Küresel Kapitalizmde Küresel Salgınlar, İklimsel Isınma ve Atmosfer (The BRIQ Working Paper Series, No. 2). Istanbul: The Center for Belt and Road Studies, Istinye University. E-ISSN 2718-0581

No. 3

Problems of drinking water supply for the population of Kyrgyzstan and solution methods (PDF)

Yaoming Li, Alamanov Salamat & Salamat Abdyzhapar

Citation: Yaoming, L., Salamat, A., & Abdyzhapar, A. (2022). Problems of drinking water supply for the population of Kyrgyzstan and solution methods (The BRIQ Working Paper Series, No. 3). Istanbul: The Center for Belt and Road Studies, Istinye University. E-ISSN 2718-0581

No. 4

50th Anniversary of Turkey-China Diplomatic Ties: Expectations and Feasibility (PDF)

Ahmet Faruk Işık & Yang Chen

Citation: Işık, A. F. & Yang, C. (2022). 50th Anniversary of Turkey-China Diplomatic Ties: Expectations and Feasibility, (The BRIQ Working Paper Series, No. 4). The Center for Belt and Road Studies (CBRS), İstinye University. E-ISSN 2718-0581